
Resource Intro Text Last Edited
 Context Settings Concept Mobile–first concept for editing Contexts
 Dashboard Concept Just Imagine if your Manager was like this
 MAM Manifesto Read the public declaration for MAM by JP DeVries
 README Contribution Guidelines
 Resource Edit Concept Concept for editing Resources
 Resources Concept for browsing resources
 Settings Page Concept Quickly–Editable Settings Concept
 Spectacular Docs Some Sass
 Users Page Concept Editing Users could be similar to settings
 Posts We've written some stuff



$ ls /assets/images/hawaii

File File Size Dimensions
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400
120kb 400x400



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markh 1 4 minutes Resource Edit

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2 jpdevries JP DeVries  Yes  No
3 markh Mark Hamstra  Yes  No


News Feed

Revo 2.3.3 — Over 40 Fixes and Improvements

Today we released Revolution 2.3.3. This patch release includes over 40 fixes and improvements.

Here are just some of the highlights of Revolution 2.3.3:

  • Fixed Context settings remove and update from window
  • Fixed autoredirect after creating new User
  • Fixed @INHERIT binding in Template Variables
  • Fixed showing lock tree icon for locked Resources
  • Added option to delete property from Property Set using the UI
  • Fixed showing Rich Text Editor in all resource types
  • For a complete list of changes in MODX Revolution 2.3.3 view the changelog


Let's take the time to thank the individual contributors of this release: argnist, bartholomej, BobRay, danyaPostfactum, enrichit, goldsky, hansek, Jako, Lefthandmedia, markwillis82, numee, opengeek, OptimusCrime, pixelchutes, rtripault, sottwell, TheBoxer, and whitebyte.

Ongoing Security

Security is an Ongoing Process. We cannot stress how important it is to be running the most current version of MODX. We are always improving security and staying in the habit of regular upgrades dramatically reduces the chance of your site getting hacked.

Getting Started

Here's what you need to get started or upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.3.3:

Security Feed


A significant vulnerability was discovered in the Manager login of MODX Revolution that also affects the use of the Login Extra. A malicious user could formulate a link that automatically logs the user into their own account, then redirects the user to a site the attacker controls immediately, exposing the user's CSRF token. This can be exploited with or without getting the user to enter their credentials in the form.

Affected Releases

All MODX Revolution releases prior to and including 2.2.14.


Upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.2.15. Due to the nature of this issue and the number of files requiring changes the solution is to upgrade. No installable patch or fileset is available for prior versions.


We would like to thank Narendra Bhati, of Suma Soft for bringing this issue to our attention.

Additional Information

For additional information, please use the MODX Contact FormWed 16 Jul 2014 08:02:20 AM PDT

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